Correction: CUNY DH Lightning Talks, 11/7, 6pm (NOT 6:30pm)

The information in my earlier post was incorrect. I have since been told the Lightning Talks event starts at 6pm (NOT 6:30pm). Steve wants as many of you as possible to attend, so he’s planning to let class out early this Monday to accommodate the earlier start time.

It’s a great opportunity to see the range of projects being undertaken by GC students, and to see practical applications of some tools you’ll be exposed to in ITP Core 2. So plan to attend Monday’s Lightning Talks!!

CUNY DH Lightning Talks, 11/7, 6:30-8:30pm

Hi all,

The DH Lightning Talks event is this coming Monday. We moved that night’s skills lab so you could attend. If you are currently working on a project, consider signing up to give a talk. This from the organizers:

“The GC Digital Initiatives is organizing a second annual CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative event on November 7th at 6:30 – 8:30 PM in rooms 9202-9205 at The Graduate Center. The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative is one opportunity to collect and to share the digital humanities efforts of graduate students, faculty, and staff across CUNY’s campuses. We welcome projects of all size, orientation, and perspective, and hope that through this community-building exercise, we can continue to foster a community of practice throughout our unique institution.

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Notice RE: Monday’s Game-Based Learning Lab

Hi all,

If you are registered to attend the Game-Based Learning skills lab on Monday, October 24, please note the following:

The lab facilitator, Teresa Ober, asks that you bring your own laptop to the session, if possible. She would like to give you hands-on experience creating a game, which will require downloading and installing a (free) web app. The library computers in the lab space typically don’t allow students to do this, so it would be great if you had your own machine to work on.

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Kamenetz reading for Oct. 6

Hi all,

It has been brought to my attention that the selections from Anya Kamenetz’s book, DIY U, aren’t up on the group site with the other readings for Oct 6. As it turns out, we don’t have access to this text to post it in time for class. As an alternate, I am posting a PDF of her e-book, The Edupunks’ Guide, which outlines strategies for students to acquire high-quality education and credentials outside of the traditional classroom.

This is optional reading, but you are encouraged to peruse The Edupunks’ Guide and evaluate it as a response to the current cost, access, and quality crises in higher education.

Finding files on the group site

Some folks are having trouble locating the files for next week’s readings on the group site. The files are in reverse chronological order, so there’s a second page that can easily be missed. If you click “Show All Files,” it actually only shows the files on the first page, though one would think that this action would display all of them.

To make things easier, I’ve grouped the files into folders by week. You can access the folders on the right sidebar. Here’s a screenshot: screenshot

Fall Workshops at the GC Library

Fall Workshops & New Hours at The Graduate Center Library
For up-to-date info on location and last-minute additions, please visit Events Calendar.

**New Fall Hours**
Fall 2016: August 25 – December 23, 2016
Hours                                 Library Hours      Reference Desk
Monday – Thursday           9 am – 11 pm      11 am – 8 pm
Friday                                 9 am – 11 pm      11 am – 6 pm
Saturday                            12 pm – 6 pm       Closed
Sunday                              12 pm – 6 pm       Closed
Click here for more info.

Intro to Zotero for Citation Management

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