TWON – Chapter 8: Cultural Freedom Provacation

In Chapter 8 of The Wealth of Networks, Benkler argues networked information/open source is producing a new popular culture where the masses are more active in cultural production relative to the model of the 20th Century (I agree with this). Through transparency and participation “the networked information economy creates greater space for critical evaluation of cultural materials and tool.” (I don’t agree with this…at least not the transformative power of it.)

I have to agree with Kat’s post; while mass communications/cultural production is more democratic than it’s ever been due to technology (at least in the United States) i think we’ve moved past the potential of the internet if you acknowledge the power structures still set in place in this country.

What does it mean for cultural freedom that Facebook wouldn’t remove fake news before the election?

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What Does It Really Mean to Be Human?

Information Management: A Proposal (Provocation)

It’s clear reading this piece (and watching his TED talk) Tim Berners-Lee was simply trying to solve problems around communication, information sharing and data management when he created the World Wide Web. He’s so genuine, you almost forget the military implications.

I arrived to a similar place/question as Lisa (around what capitalism does to “free” things like the internet). More specifically I am interested in how “human” or the difference between human and machine gets branded nearly 30 years after the creation of the internet. How does it get communicated in a capitalist space?

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