sorry for this super-delayed blog guys….
Bass stresses in various forms that students is a vital body in the pedagogical circuit, that students learn better actively and collectively, rather than being a passive receiver. And to better facilitate students’ caliber, Bass unfolds the following aspects of learning where technology can help: distributive and dialogic learning, public accountability, authentic tasks, and reflective and critical thinking.
One intriguing point Bass brings up briefly is that when approaching a technology-based environment, some educators have difficulties to prioritize, may that be time, material coverage, or control. Bass lists out several features in ways critical thinking can be enhanced in a technology-based setting. However not only we need to ask our students to think critically, but rather us as educators to enable critical thinking before we even step into curriculum building. This interesting dilemma reminded me some of the classrooms I have been where the instructor’s’ enthusiasm for the subject resulted in a journey through every little subject-related anecdotes the instructor has hoarded over the span of years. Because of the convenience technology brings us, we are at a time in which accessing information has never been easier before, how do we use technology, not just as a tool and a device to gain access, but also to filter? As Bass points out later, “technology is merely a prop” to transfer something far more valuable. That is something for us to think about.